Selected academic publications on neurocognitive
​phenomena related to intelligent testing by Digital Emotions​


Accessibility phenomena and implicit social cognition​

Fazio, R. H., & Williams, C. J. (1986). Attitude accessibility as 
a moderator of the attitude–perception and attitude–behavior relations: 
An investigation of the 1984 Presidential Election. 
Journal of personality and social psychology, 51(3), 505.​

Fazio, R. H., Powell, M. C., & Williams, C. J. (1989). The role of attitude accessibility in the attitude-to-behavior process. Journal of consumer research, 16(3), 280-288.​

Dovidio, J. F., & Fazio, R. H. (1992). New technologies for the direct and indirect assessment of attitudes. In J. Tanur (Ed.), Questions about survey questions: Meaning, memory, attitudes, and social interaction (pp. 204–237). New York: Russell Sage Foundation.​

Brendl, C. M., Markman, A. B., & Messner, C. (2001). How do indirect measures of evaluation work? Evaluating the inference of prejudice in the Implicit Association Test. Journal of personality 
and social psychology, 81(5), 760.​

Greenwald, A. G., Poehlman, T. A., Uhlmann, E. L., & Banaji, M. R. (2009). Understanding and using the Implicit Association Test: III. Meta-analysis of predictive validity. Journal of personality and social psychology, 97(1),17.​

Luttrell, A., Stillman, P. E., Hasinski, A. E., & Cunningham, W. A. (2016). Neural dissociations in attitude strength: Distinct regions 
of cingulate cortex track ambivalence and certainty. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 145(4), 419.

Recent peer-reviewed publications by R. Ohme

Bughin, J., Cincera, M., Kiepfer, E., Reykowska, D., Philippi, F., Żyszkiewicz, M., Ohme, R. & Frank, D. (2022). Vaccination or NPI? A conjoint analysis of German citizens' preferences in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. European Journal of Health Economics.​

Lee, A.Y., Wang,J., Böckenholt, U., Lee, L., Ohme, R., Reykowska, D. & Yeung, C. (2022). The Enthusiasts and the Reluctants of COVID-19 Vaccine Uptake: A Cluster Analysis. Journal of the Association for Consumer Research.

Healthcare and Medical Decision Making, 7(2), pp 222-234.​

Bughin, J., Cincera, M., Reykowska, D., Peters, K., Zyszkiewicz, M., Ohme, R. (2021), Make It or Break It: Vaccination Intent at the Time of COVID-19, Covid Economics Issue 65 (pp.188-222)​

Chkoniya, V., Reykowska, D., Ohme, R. (2021) What do Portuguese Really Feel about the Covid-19 Pandemic. Consumer Neuroscience and Advanced Analytics – Discovering New Perspectives, Marketing and Smart Technologies (pp.283-294)​

Bughin, J. R., Cincera, M., Reykowska, D., & Ohme, R. (2021). Big Data Is Decision Science: The Case of COVID-19 Vaccination. In V. Chkoniya (Ed.), Handbook of Research on Applied Data Science and Artificial Intelligence in Business and Industry (pp. 126-150).​

Ohme, R., Matukin, M., & Wicher, P. (2020). Merging Explicit Declarations With Implicit Response Time to Better Predict Behavior. In V. Chkoniya, A. O. Madsen, & P. Bukhrashvili (Eds.), Anthropological Approaches to Understanding Consumption Patterns and Consumer Behavior (pp. 427–448). IGI Global.